This is an unboxing video of Compass Games Imperial Tide & Western Front Ace. This is a Special Edition Unboxing video since I am doing them both at the same time. I have played wargames for over 40 years and have never owned or played one of their games. I watched a review from the Players Aid and they liked Imperial Tide. I am a fan of World War I games so both of these were calling my name. I decided it was time to check out a couple of Compass games.
I had also been watching a wonderful playthrough of Western Front Ace on Poindexter Games and after watching that I had to take the plunge on it as well.
So I thought I would give you all my first impressions Of Compass Games: Imperial Tide and Western Front Ace. Stay tuned for a playthrough as soon as I can get a good grasp of the rules.

Have you all played any of these games? What were your thoughts? If you would like to play Imperial Tide with me, contact me at, and let's set something up.

Go check them out here: