I was sitting around this Sunday afternoon, playing a couple of games that I had set up on my gaming table when I started to ask myself, how many wargamers like to set up multiple games at the same time? I for one love having a multiple-games setup. How about you? Are you a fan? I feel it allows me the flexibility to play the games when I want and for how long I want. Let me explain.

At this current time, I have SPI's WWI and Mayfield's A House Divided set up on my table. Two different genres from two different eras. I try to play a couple of turns a day for each, but there are times when I play one game for hours and maybe even days before going back to the other. I like having options. So my question to you is this? Do you like having multiple games set up at the same time? Do you have space to set up multiple games, and if not would you if the space were available? Let me know what you have set up on your table. What type of games do you like to set up? I hope to hear from you all soon. Take care, Be Kind, and have fun gaming!