How many of you are like me and have games sitting on the shelf, collecting dust? When you bought the game, you wanted to play it, but never got the game onto your table. I love getting new games, but one of my New Year's goals was to play the games that I already have in my possession. So the winter winds have finally blown in cooler temps, so my outdoor activities have been put on the back burner. (It is no fun riding a motorcycle or going camping in frigid temperatures.) So I figured that there is no better time to get new games on the table, than the present. Here are My top 5 Must-Play games of 2024
Today I broke out Monty's Gamble - Market Garden. An area impulse game from Multi-Man Publishing. I have had this game for years and it has just been sitting there . begging for attention. I broke out the rules a few days ago and punched the counters this morning while watching the football game. The map is awesome and I have to say the look of the game set up and ready to play is very appealing.

The complexity is rated - Medium and the best thing about the game is the solitaire suitability comes in as high! I have played many Area Impulse games, and I just finished playing one of my favorites, Breakout Normandy. The rules in Monty's Gamble are fairly close to that game and others like SOA, Thunder at Cassino, and Turning Point Stalingrad so I did not find them too difficult. I got it set up and completed the invasion and initial D-Day activities. Now we can start to play with the German impulse. Stay tuned for updates.
So I was sitting here staring at my gaming shelf and decided to pick out 5 games, that I would commit to getting on the table and playing in 2024. I figure I have plenty of time, but we all know how life can throw us those little curves. Without rambling any further here are the 5 games that I WILL play in 2024! These are not in any particular order.
Empire Of The Sun - I have heard nothing but good things about this game. It does seem to be a little involved and I am sure that getting familiar with the rules, will not be a small task. I love CDG and the subject has always been one that gets my attention. I hope that it can be played solo. (The box has a rating of high, so I am optimistic) If not I will try and get someone on VASSAL to give it a try. If you are interested in playing or teaching a newbie, shoot me a note. I would love to learn from someone that knows the game.
Check out this training video.
Fighting Formations - I have to admit, this is one of those games, that I purchased while going over the GMT site. Another CDG that caught my eye, but one of the main reasons for the purchase was the fact that Chad Jensen was the designer. I love Combat Commander so I know that Chad can make a heck of a wargame. The solo playability of the game is not very high, but I promise I will get it on the table and play a few turns, no matter what. I am excited to give this a try.
Normandy 44 - I have played Salerno 43 so I am excited to get Normandy 44 on the table. Just a little sneak peek, I will be starting a game of this on VASSAL on Monday. I have read the rules and I am ready to take it on. I watched of few YouTube videos, so I think I should be good to play in real life. We will see.
See an unboxing from Theplayersaid
No Retreat North Africa - This game caught my eye and I was sold when I noticed that it had another game in the box, that involved the Invasion of Crete. This battle has always piqued my interest. The complexity comes in at a Medium 4 while the Solo play ability is a Medium 5. I have started to read the rules and want to get this on the table. The mapboard is fairly large, so I am glad that I have a big table. I want to play the Crete game.
Breakthrough: Cambrai - I have heard good and not so good about this game from Multi-Man Publishing. The is based on the battle on November 24, 1917. 324 British Tanks lead this combined arms assault. It has a rating of Medium for complexity and solo Playability. The game counters are beautiful and the Area Impulse system is a favorite of mine. I would love to play this face-to-face. Has anyone out there seen this game in action? What are your thoughts? Let me know.
That is it, folks. Those are the games that I have set in my sets for play in 2024. Do you all have some games on your shelf that you would like to play in 2024? Why have you not played them and what would it take for you to get them punched and set up?
Have a great week everyone. Thank you all for the kind comments. This blog is new and you all have been great in your support. Thank you for checking out the Movement Phase - The Cardboard Commander Blog.
Links to explore from this blog post.
The Battle for Crete: https://nzhistory.govt.nz/war/the-battle-for-crete/overview
Operation Market Garden: https://www.nam.ac.uk/explore/market-garden
Monty's Gamble - Market Garden: https://mmpgamers.com/montys-gamble-market-garden-p-88 - **Order your copy here: https://amzn.to/3TQGqbW Breakthrough: Cambrai - https://mmpgamers.com/breakthrough-cambrai-p-86
Empire Of The Sun: https://www.gmtgames.com/p-880-empire-of-the-sun-4th-printing.aspx **Order your copy here: https://amzn.to/3TNPDSn
No Retreat - North Africa: https://www.gmtgames.com/p-743-no-retreat-2-the-north-african-front-3rd-edition.aspx
Fighting Formations: https://www.gmtgames.com/p-357-fighting-formations-gd-infantry-div.aspx
** This is an affiate link. The cost is the same for you but also helps support the CardboardCommander site.
Until next time everyone, be kind and keep on pushing that cardboard!