Are you kidding me? The dice gods were good to me today.
Have you ever had one of those days when all of the gaming luck went your way? Well let's just say I usually don't but today was a different story. I was almost embarrassed with my rolling results today in our Scenario.

I met up with Thomas at the Iron Horse Coffee Company, for a quick introduction and to push some cardboard around. The coffee place was very nice and had a great area upstairs for us to set up and play. It was my first time there, but will not be my last. It is right in between our homes, so the drive is easy for the two of us.
ASLSK S19 - Purple Heart Lane
We decided to start small for this game. I took the role of the Americans, while Thomas played the Germans. The objective is for the Americans to control six buildings. We started off hot as we strolled into place on turn one and had a few good results, breaking and killing a couple of HS.

Turn two is when the tide turned for the Americans. In 10 minutes, helped by some obnoxious die rolls the Americans were in the driver's seat and the Germans were hanging on by a thread. Throw in a few bad rolls for Thomas, rolling 6.6 twice, one in a rally attempt and one when firing his LMG, only to be followed up by him rolling a 6 trying to repair said LMG on the next turn. It was not his day.
The allies kept pouring it on with a couple of 1,2 and 1,3 rolls with big fire groups. Thomas, just watched as he could not keep any of his troops from breaking. The game was over pretty quickly. Again, I don't think it was great skills on my part, just some amazing die rolls.

In conclusion, it was a fun game and allowed me to get my feet wet with the ASLSK system. I have played ASL for years, but have only played a handful of ASLSK. It felt great getting back in the saddle again. I look forward to our next game.
Have you all played this scenario? What were the results? It looks tough for the Germans. Let me know your thoughts. Until next time everyone, be kind and roll low!