Eora Creek, Papua, 28 October 1942

This months ladder game stayed with the Combat Commander Pacific Theme. Scenario M5 Blind Man's Bluff. My opponent was John Vogel. He was assigned the Japanese and I played the Commonwealth. This looked like a tough scenario all around and I was right. It would come down to the very end of sudden for a winner to emerge.

The game started with the Aussies trying to get things close and personal from the start. I had seen this scenario played a couple of times, with the Japanese loading up on all the lever 2 hexes and just raining fire down on the Aussies. This game set up was different and took me a little off guard.

The Aussies got a big push at the start and knocked the Japanese back from the level 2 hills. The Commonwealth got lucky early with a few Revive cards and that allowed for the group in hex row K & L to survive the onslaught from the big guns and mortars on the hill.

It was a hard fought battle early with both sides taking shots and keeping each other from creating too much havoc. Objective 3 was a hard fought area, as I knew we had an extra VP for taking that Objective.

The Japanese had the upper hand early, but the Commonwealth kept being aggressive and chasing down the enemy. Time was going by slowly so it had not been a big priority to take chances. That would change in the future.

Turn 5 started the turns ending rather quickly. It also showed the 3 individual battles that were taking place at Eora Creek. The score was tied at even and things started happening quickly,

Turn 5-6-7 happened very fast and before I knew it the Commonwealth was under the gun to get some victory points. I figured jumping into close combat with a big squad would net me some big points. I was mistaken. As the Melee occurred I threw down and ambush, only be outdone, not once, or twice but 3 times and my opponent played three ambush cards. He then rolled a 12, so I had him reroll it and he rolled a 9. Well guess what we lost and there went all my high hopes. The Japanese took a 2 VP lead late into the game.

This one came down to the very end. The game ended with a Commonwealth victory with 3 VP's. Turns out objective #3 was worth 3 points with the hidden objectives. It was a close game and a lot of fun. John was a great opponent and If he had gotten a couple of revive cards earlier, he surely would have been victorious. Aussies win hard fought battle of Eora Creek.

That was my first win in a few months, so I will take it. Until next time, have a great week, be kind and happy gaming!
thanks for sharing.. it was good to see and enjoyed the recap... looks like an interesting battle.. thanks